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Hizmet or Cemaat?

According to the classification of Donmez[i], there are two parts of this social movement.

The first part is the oblivious positive majority, and the second part is the obvious negative minority. I decided to list the properties of each part and give a definition for each part; I divided this social movement into two. I gave the first part the name “Hizmet” and the second part the name “Cemaat.” Below is the result of this dichotomization.

Hizmet is the victim of Turkey and “Turkey’fication.” Hizmet is not Cemaat, and Cemaat is not Hizmet. Cemaat is the leech, parasite, and bloodsucker of Hizmet. This social movement is in the process of division and divergence into two unmixable and opposite parts: Hizmet and Cemaat.

Hizmet is living for and with others, and Cemaat is living on and by others. Cemaat and Hizmet are like two sons of Adam – Cain and Abel. Cemaat is the politics, and Hizmet is above and beyond politics.

Hizmet is about crying with and for others, and Cemaat is about using tears as a screen and cover for their own dirt.

Hizmet is sincerity, and Cemaat is hypocrisy.

Hizmet is every individual, and Cemaat is the hierarchy. Hizmet is the love of service, and Cemaat is the lust of power.

Hizmet is the anonymity of good and clean, Cemaat is the authority of bad, evil, and dirty.

Hizmet is transparency, Cemaat is opacity.

Hizmet is open for all, and Cemaat accepts Turks only.

Hizmet is diversity and inclusion, Cemaat is discrimination and exclusion.

Hizmet is forgiving, Cemaat is forbidding. Hizmet is the future, Cemaat is the past.

Hizmet is the principles, Cemaat is the persons.

Hizmet is logic and logical, Cemaat is sentiment and sentimental. Hizmet is global and international, Cemaat is local and nationalistic. Hizmet is about the world, Cemaat is about Turkey.

Hizmet is about people, Cemaat is about Turks.

Hizmet is the way of word, Cemaat is the way of the sword. Hizmet is about justice, Cemaat is about caprice.

Hizmet is about compassion, Cemaat is about cruelty. Hizmet is about welfare, Cemaat is about warfare.

Hizmet is knowledge, Cemaat is ignorance.

Hizmet is about accountability and decentralization, Cemaat is about unaccountability and centralization.

Hizmet is about individual and individuality, Cemaat is about the group, herd, flock, and groupthink.

Hizmet is intellectual Islam, Cemaat is political Islam. Hizmet is the art of word, Cemaat is the art of war.

Hizmet is about updatedness, Cemaat is about outdatedness.

Hizmet is about the interests and hopes of youth, Cemaat is about the nostalgia and whims of elders.

Hizmet is freedom, Cemaat is slavery.

Hizmet is about principles, Cemmat is about persons and precedents.

 Hizmet is about meaning, Cemaat is about wording. Hizmet is the invitation, Cemaat is prohibition.

Hizmet is about willpower, Cemaat is about destiny. Hizmet is organic, Cemaat is mechanic.

Hizmet is about integration and cooperation, Cemaat is about invasion and conquest. Hizmet is communication flow, Cemaat is communication flaw.

Hizmet is the connection, Cemaat is isolation.

Hizmet is a family-style relationship, Cemaat is a factory-style relationship. Hizmet is about increasing connection, Cemaat is about increasing consumption. Hizmet is the model of “adopt-raise”, Cemaat is the model of “hire-fire.” Hizmet is cooperation, Cemaat is competition.

Hizmet is distributed and shared power and responsibility, and Cemaat is concentrated and compressed power.

Hizmet is the community, Cemaat is an oligarchy. Hizmet is parliamentary, Cemaat is authoritarian. Hizmet is a democracy, Cemaat is a dictatorship. Hizmet is participation, Cemaat is partition.

Hizmet is persuasion, Cemaat is persecution. Hizmet is about writing, Cemaat is about listening.

Hizmet is about the expression of thoughts, Cemaat is about the suppression of thoughts. Hizmet is about anonymity, Cemaat is about authority.

Hizmet is about relevance, Cemaat is about reverence.

Hizmet is about being the guide on the side, Cemaat is about being sage on the stage.

 Hizmet is about the audit, Cemaat is about hiding.

Hizmet is about a clear written constitution, Cemaat is about oral mythology. Hizmet is the process of betterment, and Cemaat is the claim of betterness.

Hizmet is about improvement, Cemaat is about assessment.

Hizmet is a testable and improvable hypothesis, and Cemaat is blind and bland faith. Hizmet is about helping others, Cemaat is about hurting others.

Hizmet is virtue, Cemaat is vice.

Hizmet is about certifiable facts, Cemaat is about certifiable fakes.

Hizmet is about encouraging failure and development (try new, risk and fail = development), Cemaat is about rewarding success, instilling petrification, and installing stagnation (rewarding success and punishing failure = stagnation).[ii]

Hizmet is about stimulating success, Cemaat is about simulating success.

Hizmet is about investments in the future, Cemaat is about insurances of the past. Hizmet is about being guided by principles, Cemaat is about being guided by persons. Hizmet is about doing important, Cemaat is about dealing with urgent.

Hizmet is prospective, Cemaat is retrospective.

Hizmet is about evidence of the absence of evil, Cemaat is about the absence of evidence of evil.

Hizmet is guided by epistemology, Cemaat is guided by eschatology.

Hizmet is about the development of smartness, Cemaat is about the demonstration of smartness.

Hizmet is going to speak the English language, Cemaat is going to continue speaking the Turkish language.

 Hizmet is lateral and flexible thinking, Cemaat is literal and fixed thinking. Hizmet is progression, Cemaat is regression and aggression.

Hizmet is about independence and interdependence, Cemaat is about dependence. Hizmet is lucid, Cemaat is lurid.

Hizmet is signal, Cemaat is noise. Hizmet is antifragile, Cemaat is fragile.

Hizmet is advocacy, Cemaat is obedience.

Hizmet is about dialogue, Cemaat is about the debate.

Hizmet is about “failing fast and rising from ashes,” Cemaat is about “slow agony.” Hizmet is the flexible and modifiable garment of piety, and Cemaat is fixed “Bed of Procrustes”.

Hizmet is about changing and cutting clothes (ideas) to fit individuals, Cemaat is about changing and cutting individuals to fit clothes (ideas).

Hizmet is about fighting illness, Cemaat is about fighting individuals who carry illness.

Hizmet is about being obvious and living obviously, and Cemaat is about being oblivious and living obliviously.

Hizmet is about respecting others, Cemaat is about rejecting others. Hizmet is about verification, Cemaat is about falsification.

Hizmet is the window to understand others, Cemaat is the mirror to forget others and drown in oneself.

“8:29. O you who believe! If you keep from disobedience to God in reverence for Him and piety to deserve His protection, He will make a criterion for you (in your hearts to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and right and wrong) and blot out from you your evil deeds, and forgive you. God is of tremendous grace and bounty.” [iii]

“8:37. Thus does God separate the corrupt from the pure, and make all those who are corrupt into a pile one upon another, and then place them in Hell. Those are indeed the losers.” [iv]

The division, distinction, differentiation, and dichotomization between Hizmet and Cemaat started, and it is happening now. Hizmet can live and will live without Cemaat.

However, Cemaat cannot live, and it will die without Hizmet because Cemaat is the parasitic structure of witless and gutless vultures of the oligarchy that feed on the carrion of quasi- hierarchy and pseudo-authority.

2:111 … Say: “Produce your proof if you are truthful!” [v]

25:30. And the Messenger says: “My Lord! Surely my people have made this Qur’an something worthy of no attention.” [vi]

-İman isteyen münafık


[i] Ahmet Dönmez, “Zeytinyağı-Su: Mahrem-Hizmet,” Ahmet Dönmez (blog), February 17,2021, https://www.ahmetdonmez.net/zeytinyagi-su-mahrem-hizmet/.

[ii] Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, 1st ed (New York: Random House, 2012).

[iii] Ali Ünal, The Qur’an with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English, n.d., www.mquran.org www.theholybook.org.

[iv] Ünal.

[v] Ünal.

[vi] Ünal.


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2 Yorumlar

  1. "Hizmet is about accountability and decentralization, Cemaat is about unaccountability and centralization."

    That's the only criteria people need to understand and implement. Besides, I have high expectations for the author's JFCK approach and its effects on people in the near future.

    PS: Hizmet is signal, Cemaat is noise. No, this must be: "Hizmet is Signal, Cemaat is ByLock" :) Another way of saying "Hizmet is transparency, Cemaat is opacity."

  2. Süt e zehir karışmış gibi mahvetti bir çoğunu, umarım bundan ders çıkarır herkes
