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Where will I be in the year 2100?

The condition and nature of the human mind require asking questions on a broad number of topics. The conditioning and nurture of the human mind limit the scope of questions to the narrow range of 60-80 years. For example, I can ask myself the questions: "Where will I be in the year 2100?" and "Where was I in the year 1900?" For the modern and brainwashed human, these questions may sound absurd, abhorrent, and abstract, but closing my eyes, ears, and mind is not, was not, and will not be the solution and answer.

To answer these two questions, I can go to three domains that research beauty, order, and purpose, i.e., art, science, and religion. Art does not provide definite and defined answers because art is sentimental and emotional, and feely. Art provides fantasy and fiction, i.e., sweet, sleep-inducing, and pain-numbing pills. Art cures symptoms but not causes.

Science, on the other hand, is narrow in its view and understanding of human beings. From the point of view of natural science, a human being is 60-90 kilograms of moving, breathing, eating, excreting, reproducing, dying, and decaying organic matter that transfers the DNA of their species from one generation to another, i.e., hairless ape. While art is emotional and sentimental, science is dry, cold, and sterile like a surgeon's scalpel. Science cannot, does not, and does not aim to provide answers to the duo of aforementioned questions. And when it tries to offer them, they are so dark and dull that the thought of immediate suicide springs up in the brain.

Religion can and does provide answers to the duo of aforementioned questions. And this is the most significant perk and most prominent benefit of religion - eschatology. The most critical dimension of religion is personal, philosophical, and psychological, not social, political, and economical. Those blind, deaf, dumb, and mindless people who try to reduce and use religion as a tool of social engineering, political superiority, and economical design without acknowledging and practicing its personal, philosophical, and psychological aspects are the first and foremost enemies and foes of the religion.

Where will I be in the year 2100 or year 21000? Where was I in the year 1900 or year 19000BC? These are the questions that break the chains of time, space, energy, and entropy. If I am limited by time, space, energy, and entropy, then there must be the Being that is not limited by time, space, energy, and entropy. Refusing to look behind the veils and rejecting the travel beyond the boundaries of time, space, energy, and entropy is being scared, not brave. I have to think out of the box of time, space, energy, and entropy. I refuse and reject the state of being locked in that box.

What is the definition of God? God is the Being that is not limited by time, space, energy, and entropy.

What is the definition of religion? Religion is the system of rules and rituals that teach to escape the boundaries of time, space, energy, and entropy. Religion was codified by God, and later, it was modified by humans. People, firstly, adopted religion and then adapted it to their levels of intellectual, emotional, personal, and social maturity.

The religious scriptures do not have explicit words and terms for time, space, energy, and entropy. However, from the context of scriptures, the definition of God as the Being that is not limited by time, space, energy, and entropy can be easily inferred.

Questions are more important than the answers. Answers limit you and stop you. Questions free and liberate you. Search for questions, not answers.

I chose, and I am choosing questions, not answers.

-İman isteyen münafık


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